Singular exhibition Sao Paulo – analog fine art photography

analog fine art photography

Next week one of my fine art analog photographs from my recent Urban Absurd series “Menace” will take part in a group exhibition “Singular” in Sao Paulo, Brasil. My analog fine art photography will be presented in Echos Studio Gallery from 21 september till 4 october 2024.

Salsa at the beach – analog photography Poland

analog photography Poland

Olympus XA4 MACRO, Fuji Superia 400.

My Jack Russell Terrier Salsa at the beach in Hel peninsula. She loves to play with her ball at the beach and she never gets tired. She is also a perfect model for my analog photography Poland.

Graffitti on the streets and stairs of Napoli – analog street photography

analog street photography

Nikon FE2, Ilford Delta 100.

This analog street photography I shot in Napoli two years ago. It was a very hot day and this lady was resting at the bottom of the stairs smoking a cigarette. I love shooting street portraits like that with graffitti in the frame.