Lady in a kiosk window – street photography blog

street photography blog
Nikon FE2, Ilford Delta 100.

This is one of the last pictures that I shot in Prague, and one of my favourites. I like the bored face of this lady selling cigarettes in one of small kiosks in Praque. Perfect picture for my street photography blog.

High contrast streets of Prague – street photography blog

street photography blog
Nikon FE2, Ilford Delta 100.

It was very hot during our visit in Prague this year and the sun was burning mercilessly creating very harsh shadows and strong contrast. I think that such a strong contrast is very good for this photo making it perfect for my street photography blog.

Old lady with flowers in Prague – analog street photography

analog street photography
Nikon FE2, Ilford Delta 100.

I’ve been to prague with my wife on a romatic trip this summer to celebrate our wedding aniversary. We were without kids, so we could wonder around the city and take pictures for five days. I shot two rolls of film there. I decided to publish this picture first, because it is the essence of analog street photography for me.

Salsa at the beach – analog photography Poland

analog photography Poland

Olympus XA4 MACRO, Fuji Superia 400.

My Jack Russell Terrier Salsa at the beach in Hel peninsula. She loves to play with her ball at the beach and she never gets tired. She is also a perfect model for my analog photography Poland.

A dog walking down the street in Tenerife – street photography blog

street photography blog

Nikon FE2, Ilford Delta 100.

Welcome back after a summer break. Summer vacation is always a time which I spend in Hel peninsula with my family, taking a little break from photography and my blog.
This one was shot in january this year in Los Cristianos, Tenerife. I was waiting in one place for some time, waiting for someone to pass by. This someone was this cute little dog, which made a shot for my street photography blog.

Clown on Tenerife – analog street photography

analog street photography

Nikon FE2, Ilford Delta 100.

It may seem so, but this guy was not waving to me. They were talking and the one guy just raised his hand gesticulating. I was lucky to make perfect timing with the clown on the poster.

Piastuś playground near Falowiec – analog photography blog

analog photography blog

Nikon FE2, Ilford Delta 100.

“Piastuś” is a big playground where I spent my childchood. It is in the middle of Przymorze district in between two falowiec buildings. Check out more on this subject on my analog photography blog and click HERE.

New buildings in Gdańsk – analog photography blog

analog photography blog

Voigtlander Inos, Polypan F ISO 50.

This photo was taken some time ago with my retro camera Voigtlander Inos. It is shot in my Longinos convention, you can read more about it on my analog photography blog in THIS section.

I love Gdańsk – film street photo Poland

film street photo Poland

Nikon FE2, Ilford Delta 100.

The sign says “I love Gdańsk” and it is a banner of a candidate for local government election that is going on right now. This film street photo was shot in Poland on my recent “Falowiec” project, you can find out more about it HERE.