Scooter drive thru atm – street photography blog

street photography blog

Nikon FE2, Ilford Delta 100.

In Napoli there are scooters everywhere. Old narrow streets are perfect for this kind of vehicle. On my street photography blog I captured kind of a scooter drive thru atm machine. The light on this photo is incredible.

Clown on Tenerife – analog street photography

analog street photography

Nikon FE2, Ilford Delta 100.

It may seem so, but this guy was not waving to me. They were talking and the one guy just raised his hand gesticulating. I was lucky to make perfect timing with the clown on the poster.

Plaza in el Medano – street photography blog

street photography blog

Nikon FE2, Ilford Delta 100.

Im am not a big fan of el Medano in Tenerife as a vacation resort. I like to walk around it looking for good pictures for my street photography blog. This one shot in january this year.

Girl sitting at a pier by the ocean – street photo Poland

street photo Poland

Nikon FE2, Ilford Delta 100.

El Medano Tenerife 2024. I was walking around this wind and kite city, looking for interesting shots, and there was this girl sitting by the ocean.

A lovely couple at Las Americas – analog street photography

analog street photography

Nikon FE2, Ilford Delta 100.

A fresh scan of this years trip to Tenerife. It was really my first shot at this stay, and a very fortunate one. The elderly couple at the bench sharp, and a nice wave in the lineup blury and bokeh. Just another perfect analog street photography.

Maradona graffitti and a passer by in Naples – street photography blog

street photography blog

Nikon FE2, Ilford Delta 100.

I was waiting quite a long time for a perfect moment to take this picture for my street photography blog. There were many people passing by, but I didn’t feel it, until this guy came in the frame.

Five older guys discussing in Napoli – street photography blog

street photography blog

Nikon FE2, Ilford Delta 100.

One of my favourites so far from our recent trip to Naples in Italy. The conversation between these guys, the eye contact, and a Virgin Mary in the background makes this photo a decent treasure in my street photography blog.