Scooter drive thru atm – street photography blog

street photography blog

Nikon FE2, Ilford Delta 100.

In Napoli there are scooters everywhere. Old narrow streets are perfect for this kind of vehicle. On my street photography blog I captured kind of a scooter drive thru atm machine. The light on this photo is incredible.

Napoli fans at a bar – analog street photography

analog street photography

Nikon FE2, Ilford Delta 100.

Analog street photography in Naples last year was dominated by football team Napoli, because they won their third national title. Graffitti was all over town and everywhere was blue and white colours.

Lady selling bread in Napoli – street photography on film

street photography on film

Nikon FE2, Ilford Delta 100.

I had just a moment to take this photo and it is not easy when you take street photography on film, especially with a manual focus lens. After this lady turned her head towards me and noticed me taking a picture she smiled, which would ruin this frame for me.

Maradona angel in Napoli – analog photography Poland

analog photography Poland

Olympus XA4 MACRO, Fuji Superia 200.

Maradona is almost a god in Napoli, Maradona graffitti, Maradona posters and Maradona souvenirs are everywhere. Here a shot of Maradona angel poster next to real angel ancient monuments. Analog photography Poland