This photo was taken some time ago with my retro camera Voigtlander Inos. It is shot in my Longinos convention, you can read more about it on my analog photography blog in THIS section.
Longinos is my bnw analog photography project – medium format retro camera Voigtlander Inos, ana a 35mm film in it, resulting in panoramas with perforation. This one was shot a long time ago at a village. More about Longinos concept HERE.
Another one of my Longinos bnw analog photography. This one was shot during Heineken Open’er Festival in 2014. Find out more about Longinos photography concept HERE.
This is another shot at my Longinos analog photography style. It’s a famous Open’er Festival tent stage, that fits perfecly in my Longinos full perforation frame. You can read more about Longinos analog photography Poland process HERE.
Longinos analog creative photography. Tatry mountains landscape taken by a retro Voigltander Inos medium format camera and with a 35mm film in it. Read about the process HERE.