Walking down falowiec in Gdańsk – analog street photography

analog street photography

Nikon FE2, Ilford Delta 100.

Another analog street photography from my recent series “Falowiec”. Now the summer break is comming and I will be out of town, but surely I’ll get back to it in september. More about this series HERE.

Stara Szkoła Bicz Bar Chałupy – analog photography Poland

analog photography Poland
analog photography Poland
analog photography Poland

Olympus XA4 MACRO, Fuji Superia 200.

Stara Szkoła was our favourite pizza place in Chałupy in Hel peninsula every summer. Stara Szkoła in english means Old School and it was really an oldschool place. In the same place was our favourite bar Bicz Bar where the best mango vodka was served. The place was closed at the end of last season for good. Lot’s of goood memories…

Black pants dry in Tenerife sun – analog street photography

analog street photography

Nikon FE2, Ilford Delta 100.

A small town Garachico in the northern part of Tenerife. I was walking down this lovely town looking for some photos to take and I saw a row of black pants hanging to dry in the sun. Perfect frame for my analog street photography.