Pain in the ass pin – film photography Poland

film photography Poland

Olympus XA4 MACRO, Fuji Superia 400.

There was a time I used to ride a bike a lot. Thats why I put this pin by polish design company Pan tu nie stał, which in english means “pain in the ass”. Nice closeup and bokeh of this film photography Poland thanks to Olympus XA4 MACRO retro camera.

GANGSTARR Urban Absurd series – film photography Poland

film photography Poland

Pentacon Six, Ilford HP5 400.

This photo is from my Urban Absurd style series called “GANGSTARR”. It is about a local gangser who does minor crimes in the hood. This series is a satire on old gangser movies and gangsta rap clips. Check out the whole series HERE. Just some old school film photography Poland.

My Jack Russell Terrier Salsa with a ball – film photography blog

film photography blog

Olympus XA4 MACRO, Fuji Superia 400

I love to shoot colour films for my film photography blog with Olympus XA 4 Macro. It has a wide, fast lest which can focus really close, wich results with unique pictures like this one.

Hel peninsula camping and surfing – film photography Poland

film photography Poland

Olympus mju II, Fuji Superia 400.

In just few weeks all the capming sites in polish Hel peninsula will start seazon and this view will be normal again. I can’t wait. We spend all summer at a camping like that and windsurf wenever there are good conditions.

Longinos Open’er Festival Heineken logo – bnw analog photography

bnw analog photography

Voigtlander Inos, Polypan F ISO 50.

Another one of my Longinos bnw analog photography. This one was shot during Heineken Open’er Festival in 2014. Find out more about Longinos photography concept HERE.

Older brother sleps with a cat, and younger is laughing – film photography Poland

film photography Poland
Nikon FM2, Ilford HP5 400 ISO 3200.

This film photography was shot in Poland couple years ago. My older son was sleeping with our cat in a wooden box, and the yonunger was chilling and laughing at older brother.