My wife at la Ola bar Las Americas – film photography blog

Nikon FE2, Ilford Delta 100.

Our favourit La Ola bar at Las Americas in Tenerife. My wife and I always go there for a coffe during the day and sometimes in the evening to grab couple of beers. Check out my film photography blog.

Longinos, long wooden log – bnw analog photography

bnw analog photography

Voigtlander Inos, Polypan F ISO 50.

Longinos is my bnw analog photography project – medium format retro camera Voigtlander Inos, ana a 35mm film in it, resulting in panoramas with perforation. This one was shot a long time ago at a village. More about Longinos concept HERE.

Maradona angel in Napoli – analog photography Poland

analog photography Poland

Olympus XA4 MACRO, Fuji Superia 200.

Maradona is almost a god in Napoli, Maradona graffitti, Maradona posters and Maradona souvenirs are everywhere. Here a shot of Maradona angel poster next to real angel ancient monuments. Analog photography Poland