GANGSTARR Urban Absurd series – film photography Poland

film photography Poland

Pentacon Six, Ilford HP5 400.

This photo is from my Urban Absurd style series called “GANGSTARR”. It is about a local gangser who does minor crimes in the hood. This series is a satire on old gangser movies and gangsta rap clips. Check out the whole series HERE. Just some old school film photography Poland.

Vinyl lovers 2 – analog push process

analog push process
Nikon FM2, Ilford HP5 400 ISO 3200.

Ilford HP5 is perfect for analog push process. It’s nominal ISO is 400, but i push it to ISO 3200, and develop for 24 minutes, to get it right. Love the film grain in this one.

Llibreria Sant Jordi – analog street photography

analog street photography
Libreria Sant Jordi Barcelona
analog photography blog
Nikon FM2, Ilford HP5 400 ISO 3200.

Llibreria Sant Jordi is one of the places I have to visit every time I am in Barcelona. I always buy some photo album of spanish classic black and white photographers, and talk a while with the owner of the store. This library also reminds me of Carlos Ruiz Zafón and a library in his books. It is definitely one of my favourite places in Barcelona.

Overeaten – analog ISO 3200

analog ISO 3200
Nikon FM2, Ilford HP5 400 ISO 3200.

You know how it is. Family dinner, plenty of delicious food, and you just can’t stop eating. Here are my cousin and a friend lying stuffed after one of those delicious dinners at my moms house couple years ago.