Longinos Open’er Festival tent stage – analog photography Poland

analog photography Poland

Voigtlander Inos, Polypan F ISO 50.

This is another shot at my Longinos analog photography style. It’s a famous Open’er Festival tent stage, that fits perfecly in my Longinos full perforation frame. You can read more about Longinos analog photography Poland process HERE.

Two people sitting on a stone wall – street photography Poland

street photography Poland
Nikon FE2, Ilford Delta 100.

This is not only a street photography Poland blog. This shot was taken in El Medano, Tentrife in january this year. It looks like it was taken in some abandoned place, but in fact there were lots of people on the beach.

Las Americas surfer girl – street photography blog

street photography blog
Nikon FE2, Ilford Delta 100.

First three weeks of this year my family and I spent in Las Americas, Tenerife. I was mostly surfing and making analog photos for my street photography blog. This is a fresh scan of first film I shot in the Canarias. Enjoy.

Black cat on the stairs in Tenerife – street photography blog

street photography blog
Nikon FE2, Ilford Delta 100.

Black cats suppose to bring bad luck, but this one on my street photography blog just made me a nice picture. Like his lazy attitude and how the lines of the stairs make the composition.