Two people sitting on a stone wall – street photography Poland

street photography Poland
Nikon FE2, Ilford Delta 100.

This is not only a street photography Poland blog. This shot was taken in El Medano, Tentrife in january this year. It looks like it was taken in some abandoned place, but in fact there were lots of people on the beach.

Vinyl lovers 2 – analog push process

analog push process
Nikon FM2, Ilford HP5 400 ISO 3200.

Ilford HP5 is perfect for analog push process. It’s nominal ISO is 400, but i push it to ISO 3200, and develop for 24 minutes, to get it right. Love the film grain in this one.

No swimming – analog street photography

analog street photography
Olympus mju II, Fuji Superia 400.

Quiet autumn day in Poland couple years ago, and a street photo walk by the beach. Then I spotted this sign, and all I had to do, was aligning it with the horizon. One of my favourite analog street photography that time. Haven’t been presenting colour photos for a while, make sure you check out all of my 35mm colour pictures.

Ukrainian garbage man – street photo portrait

street photo portrait
Nikon FE2, Ilford Delta 100.

Street photo portrait of an Ukrainian garbage man on one of surf camps in polish Hel peninsula. This man collects and selects trash to the right containers. Long poles holding the lids of big black trash cans are old broken windsurfing masts.

The kiss – street photography Poland

street photography Poland
Nikon FE2, Ilford Delta 100.

Street photography Poland. This is a fresh scan of my last film I shoot during my septemer streetphoto walks in Gdańsk, Poland. In my opinion it’s the essence of street photography. I just had a second to take this shot, in fact I took it almost without stopping to walk. I’m very happy with it, especially with my manual focus camera – the sharpness is perfect, the frame is perfect. I am very pleased with the result, comparing to very short period of time, I had to take it.