Art gallery on the fence – analog street photo Poland

analog street photo Poland

Nikon FE2, Ilford Delta 100.

This art gallery on the fence is located in Skansen Wdzydze in Poland. It is a lovely place, sort of a museum of old polish traditional village housing. It is perfect for taking analog street photo in Poland.

Longinos Open’er Festival Heineken logo – bnw analog photography

bnw analog photography

Voigtlander Inos, Polypan F ISO 50.

Another one of my Longinos bnw analog photography. This one was shot during Heineken Open’er Festival in 2014. Find out more about Longinos photography concept HERE.

No bikes, just guys in hats and kites in El Medano -analog photography blog

analog photography blog

Nikon FE2, Ilford Delta 100.

One shot from january this year in Tenerife. I did a long photowalk in El Medano, windsurfing and kitesurfing spot. It was a windy day, and this guy just passed by the street near a beach. That made worth it publishing on my analog photography blog.

Longinos Open’er Festival tent stage – analog photography Poland

analog photography Poland

Voigtlander Inos, Polypan F ISO 50.

This is another shot at my Longinos analog photography style. It’s a famous Open’er Festival tent stage, that fits perfecly in my Longinos full perforation frame. You can read more about Longinos analog photography Poland process HERE.